"Aztecs in the Philippines V" was held at The Santa Ana College in the city of the same name in California, on Saturday November 11th, 2000. We were invited by Mr.Aguirre, president of the Latino Advocates for the Education Inc. During their 4th annual Veteran Day Celebration.
"Aztecas en Las Filipinas V" se llevo a acabo en el Colegio de Santa Ana en la ciudad del mismo nombre en California, el dia 11 de Noviembre del 2000. Fuimos invitados por el presidente de Latino Advocates for Education, el Senor Aguirre, durante la Celebracion del Dia de los Veteranos, evento que conducen anualmente, siendo este el cuarto.
The event began at 1000 Hrs. with a Panel
Discussion with four Honored guest. From left to right, Sgt.
Major (ret.) Ramon Rodriguez, USMC Col. (ret.) Ramon Briceno, US
Army Ranger Sgt. (ret.)Reynel Martinez, veterans of the Vietnam
War. We had the oportunity to meet them and they shared with us,
their experiences before, during and after their participation in
the war.
El evento dio comienso a las diez de la manana, con un panel de discusion formado por cuatro veteranos de la Guerra en Vietnam. De izquierda a derecha, Sgt. Major (ret.) Ramon Rodriguez, USMC Col. (ret.) Ramon Briceno, US Army Ranger Sgt. (ret.) Reynel Martinez. Tuvimos la oportunidad de conocerlos, y ellos nos contaron de sus experiencias antes, durante y despues de su participacion en este conflicto.
This time we had this two posters that were mistriosly placed next to our table by someone. On them is a brief story of the Escuadron 201, it was very acurate. Unfurtunately the same way it came, they went hhhhmmmmm.......
Esta vez tuvimos estos dos posters que fueron colocados misteriosamente por alguien, junto a nuestra mesa. En ellos se puede apreciar algunas fotos y breve historia del Escuadron 201, tenian informacion confiable. Desafortunadamente asi como vinieron, se fueron sin dejar rastro..hhhhmmm...
Here is Mr. Rene Hoyo answering questions from the public and on the second picture from members of the Junior ROTC Units. As always Mr. Hoyo gave them detailed information. The display we had today was different to the one we usualy set up, due to the small space we got. Nevertheless we are always glad we get to participate in events like this.
Aqui tenemos a Rene como siempre contestando las preguntas del publico, en la primera foto, y en la segunda miembros del Junior ROTC Unit. Como siempre Mr. Hoyo les dio informacion detallada. El display que presentamos en esta ocasion no fue el que siempre traemos, debido al pequeno espacio que nos dieron. De todas maneras nos da gusto que nos inviten a participar en eventos como estos.
We got a pleasant surprise, when the camaras of a local Cable TV station came to our table. As with some of the public that came to this event, they were very much interested on the History of the Escuadron 201.
Tuvimos una agradable sorpresa, cuando las camaras de una estacion de cable local se acercaron a nuestra mesa. De igual manera como algunos del publico, ellos mostraron mucho interes en saber mas del Escuadron 201.
This way we concluded our presentation, once again we got to tell everyone that Mexico was present in WWII, and that we were part of the efforts to maintain democracy, on this special day we salute you ESCUADRON 201 !!!!
De esta manera concluyo el evento, una vez mas pudimos decirle a todos que Mexico estuvo en las Segunda Guerra Mundial, y que fue parte de los esfuerzos por mantener la Democracia, en este dia tan especial the saludamos ESCUADRON 201 !!!!!!
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If you are interested in knowing more about the 201st Fighter Squadron from the Mexican Airforce and their participation in WWII, you will find this book the best in the topic. It is in English, with many pictures and details about the Latin American Forces who served in WWII. This book is a MUST !!! all you have to do is click below.
Order P-47 The Final Chapter- Escuadron 201 Today!